Our Story So Far…

Greentech Road Solutions.

Greentech was formed in 2021 to further the asphalt technology invented by David Hogg, the Founder of parent company Rejuvetech Ltd. David is a proven scientist and inventor and through Rejuvetech, a niche green chemistry company, he is able to continue his passion of bringing sustainability to industry and commerce.

David’s work has earned him the prestige of becoming a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Greentech has a patented solution for Pothole repair, line removal and other asphalt related applications.

We have developed an Alpha Demonstration Trailer to prove the concept and are now seeking Investment and Grants and consulting with potential partners / collaborators to develop a vehicle-based Beta Demonstrator to showcase the technology to potential clients.

Our Innovation is patented in many countries, and we have more pending. Our system has removed the challenge of oxidation and therefore enables pothole repairs and line removal without ageing the asphalt.

The Benefits Are Clear

The benefits in our technology are:

  1. Very little or no ageing of atmospheric oxidation/burning of the asphalt – existing or infill. This is shown by 6 different techniques and verified by independent laboratory analysis.
  2. A seamless repair – by blending the old and existing asphalt together – as shown by an imaging technique and x-ray analysis and physical sampling. NO OTHER TECHNIQUE DOES THIS. 
  3. The use of any inert gas from any source using any gas delivery system on any scale. This is a key basis of the Patent. The heating of the gas can be either by electrical, gas heater, or both as means of a heat exchanger.
  4. The technique is chemical free, uses fresh air and utilises 100% of loose old asphalt. Based on 1- 3 above, it is the essence of sustainability.

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